
One of my newest figures - "The Untold Want", 24" x 18"


Landscape Block paintings in the front window!
New piece for the group show "Summer Pleasures" at Thomas Deans Fine Art in Atl. "Pure Obsession" 11" x 14", oil on panel


"Weary of the Crossroads" 48" x 12", oil on panel Sold at Lovetts Gallery in Tulsa, see more here: http://www.lovettsgallery.com/artists/artist.asp?ArtistID=89


Time to post a landscape. This is a large one (58" x 42") and it's available at Thomas Deans Fine Art in Atlanta - www.tdeansco.com "The Nearby Distance" 58" x 42", oil on panel


Thought it would be fun to do a Krispy Kreme painting, who doesn't love a Krispy Kreme. Available at Two Moon Gallery - http://twomoongallery.com/ "Hot Doughnuts Now" 30" x 15", oil on canvas


"The Lure" 24" x 36", oil on panel Recent SALE at Lovetts Gallery in Tulsa - http://www.lovettsgallery.com/artists/artist.asp?ArtistID=89 You can check out more of my figure work on their site, as well as, their other great artist.


Also in the show in Nashville and still available - http://twomoongallery.com/ "Incognito" 8" x 11", oil/wax on panel


Another SOLD piece from the opening night at Two Moon gallery in Nashville - http://twomoongallery.com/ "Deeelicious" 16" x 16", oil on panel


I know, I've been bad about posting, but I have an excuse - two shows back to back. One is already over but the second one just started. It at Two Moon Gallery in Nashville. You can visit their website here: http://twomoongallery.com/. If you are in the Nashville area in the next month please stop and check out the show. Sold before the show open! "Midnight Delight" 18" x 24", oil on panel



The Quite Hound"

The Quite Hound" 14" x 18", oil/gold leaf on board Available. Contact me if interested.


"The Last Standing" 8 1/4” x 14 1/4” oil/wax Something new. Available. Contact http://thomasdeans.com/ if interested.


"The Unsaid" 9 5/8” x 13” oil/wax Something new. Available. Contact http://thomasdeans.com/ if interested.


"Time Forgotten" 9 5/8" x 13” oil/wax Something new. Available. Contact http://thomasdeans.com/ if interested.


"Do or Dare" 8 1/4” x 14 1/4” oil/wax Something new. Available. Contact http://thomasdeans.com/ if interested.


"Fair To Midland" 60" x 20", oil Available. Contact http://thomasdeans.com/ if interested.
